Thanks to you, we gave $378,000 scholarships to 532 students! Your support increases the diversity of healed leaders with scholarships for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled people, educators, and under-resourced folks.
Your tax-deductible donation is a ripple in our wave of healing. Support our mission to make healing practices accessible to all. With these grants, funded in part by you, our supporters and friends, we have created some of the most inclusive and accessible yoga and meditation training programs in the world.
Sponsor an online membership for a year
$500 - $1500
Sponsor a students Yoga Teacher training
Any amount
Open Donation
Does your employer offer matching donations? Want to add us to your estate plan? Ready to send us a check?
Please make all donations to our official organization:
The School for Radiant Living
PO Box 3835
Ithaca, NY 14852
We’ll mail you a proof of donation for your tax records. [Contact us] if you have any questions about giving.

Other ways to support Yoga Farm Ithaca
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Like, share, or comment on our posts to help them reach more people.
Join Yoga Farm Ithaca as an online member for just $19 a month. You’ll be supporting free yoga for thousands and get access to exclusive workshops and classes.
Invite a friend or family member to practice with you. We’ve got beginner-friendly classes online and in Ithaca to experience together.
If you are looking to donate through a 3rd party you would search our non-profit under our registered name ‘The School for Radiant Living’. In gratitude.